Unit 1 All Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 3. A number used to locate a point on a numberline.
  2. 7. To determine an approximate value.
  3. 8. One of two or more numbers that are added to find a sum.
  4. 10. The result of subtraction.
  5. 12. An expression showing a part of a whole amount.
  6. 15. A statement that shows two ratios are equal.
  7. 16. The distance any value is from zero represented as a postive value.
  8. 17. Counting numbers including 0.
  9. 18. The result of multiplication.
  10. 20. A product of a counting number and another number.
  11. 23. Two or more values that are multiplied together.
  12. 24. A number from which another number is subtracted.
  13. 25. Numbers greater than 0.
  14. 27. Two or more fractions containing the same value in the denominator.
  15. 29. A whole number and a fraction together that express a value greater than 1.
  16. 30. The product when a whole number is multiplied by itself.
  17. 32. A line for representing and graphing numbers. Each point on the line corresponds to a value.
  18. 33. Fractions that are expressed differently, but have the same value.
  19. 34. A list of numbers arranged according to a certain rule.
  20. 36. A counting number greater than 1 that is divisible by a number other than 1 and itself. A vaule that has at least 3 factors including 1 and itself.
  21. 39. The product of any number and 1 is equal to the initial number.
  22. 42. The grouping of factors does not affect their product. Division is not associative.
  23. 45. A comparison of two numbers by division.
  24. 46. Two numbers whose product is 1.
  25. 48. Changing the order of addends does not change their sum.
  26. 49. A fraction with a numerator equal to or greater than the denominator.
  27. 51. A number that is subtracted.
  28. 53. The largest whole number that is a factor of two or more given numbers.
  29. 54. A value that is expressed containing a decimal point.
  30. 58. An exact position on a line, on a plane, or in space.
  31. 59. The smallest whole number that is a multiple of two or more given numbers.
  32. 60. The number of square units needed to cover a surface.
  33. 61. Zero times any number is zero.
  34. 62. One of the two equal factors of a number.
  35. 63. The sum of any number and 0 is equal to the initial number.
  36. 65. The set of counting numbers, their opposites, and zero.
  37. 66. A statement showing two expressions have the same value.
  38. 67. A number times the sum of two addends is equal to the sum of that same number times each individual addend.
  39. 68. The numbers used to count. Also, called natural numbers.
  1. 1. To rewrite a fraction in lowest terms.
  2. 2. The top number of a fraction.
  3. 4. Numbers that can be divided by 2 without a remainder.
  4. 5. A number by which another number is divided. The denominator of a fraction.
  5. 6. The lower number in an exponential expression.
  6. 9. Able to be divided by a whole number without a remainder.
  7. 11. The result of division.
  8. 13. A value that can be expressed as a ratio. Its decimal from either repeats or terminates.
  9. 14. Any of the symbols used to write numbers; 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
  10. 15. The value of a digit based on its position within a number.
  11. 18. A counting number greater than 1 whose only two factors are 1 and itself.
  12. 19. To switch the numerator and denominator of a fraction. To find the reciprocal.
  13. 21. The upper number in an exponential expression. The power above a base.
  14. 22. The period of time from noon to just before midnight.
  15. 26. Operations that cancel each other out.
  16. 27. Changing the order of factors does not change their product.
  17. 28. The expression of a composite number as a product of its prime factors.
  18. 31. The measure of how heavy an object is.
  19. 35. Numbers that have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.
  20. 36. A grid on which any point can be identified by an ordered pair.
  21. 37. A value that is multiplied by a variable. One of the factors of a term.
  22. 38. A number that is divided. The numerator of a fraction.
  23. 40. The product of a variable and its coefficient in an expression.
  24. 41. Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Their decimal expansions are nonending and nonrepeating.
  25. 43. The period of time from midnight to just before noon.
  26. 44. Numbers less than zero
  27. 47. The result of addition.
  28. 50. A letter or symbol used to represent a missing value from an equation.
  29. 52. The bottom value of a fraction.
  30. 55. Combine to form 0. Eqidistant from 0 on a number line.
  31. 56. An exponent.
  32. 57. To find the value of an expression. To simplify a numercial value.
  33. 61. A fraction whose denominator of 100 is expressed as a percent sign %
  34. 64. The location of 0 on a number line.