Unit 1 Crossword Review

  1. 1. studies that explore a single situation in great detail
  2. 2. studies that focus on describing an occurrence
  3. 6. is a valuable tool for understanding human development, that guides and helps us interpret research findings?
  4. 8. Freud's theory of self describes how our personality consists of id, ego, and ___.
  5. 11. ___ reality is why our perception is altered due to what others have told us or cultural trend
  6. 13. there are ___ psychosocial stages within the erikson's psychosocial theory
  7. 14. ___ was a student of Freud and helped expand his theory of psychosexual development
  8. 16. ___ reality is how our beliefs are constructed by our personal experience and history
  9. 17. studies that are made in order to answer "why?" questions
  10. 20. research that begins with a sample that represents a cross-section of a population
  11. 22. an effect, that usually involves children, where people change their behavior because they're aware they're being observed.
  12. 23. techniques that are used to research data within a lifespan or lifespans of a subject or subjects
  1. 1. research that involves cross-sectional and longitudinal research
  2. 3. commonly referred to as a guideline on how to live that is shared by a group of people
  3. 4. the belief that our own culture is essentially better or superior to others
  4. 5. performed studies and created theories, such as the psychodynamic theory, during the 1950s?
  5. 7. cultural ___ is the appreciation and respect for other cultures and cultural differences
  6. 9. the ___ theory describes how and why our upbringing and early childhood moments impact our psychological self.
  7. 10. a ___ is a group of people born around the same time in a similar environment/society.
  8. 12. studies that revolve around observing and recording the actions of those who participate
  9. 15. Members of the same ___ class share similar parenting styles, religious beliefs, morals, aggravation,and lifestyles altogether.
  10. 16. research that is organized to evaluate the efficiency/effectiveness of a policy or program
  11. 18. asking a standard set of questions to a subject or group of subjects
  12. 19. research where a group of people, usually the same age and come from similar backgrounds, are measured gradually over a period of time
  13. 21. how many social classes are the american people divided into in regards to socioeconomic status?