Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

  1. 2. Opportunities to reach out to government officials to influence public policy. Our structure of government provides citizens with many of these through separation of powers and checks and balances
  2. 4. Power is shared between the national and state governments
  3. 6. Powers that can be inferred from vague constitutional provisions like the necessary and proper clause
  4. 7. National funding with almost no restrictions to the states on its use, the least used form of funding
  5. 10. Grants from the federal government to the states that come with very specific strings attached. The federal government prioritizes how the money will be spent by the states
  6. 11. “Great Compromise” over representation in the Constitution
  7. 13. Ultimate political authority rests with the people
  8. 14. Compromise for electing the country’s chief executive/magistrate
  9. 15. Agreement to add this to the Constitution appeased the concerns of the Anti-Federalists
  10. 18. All people have certain rights that cannot be taken away
  11. 21. A model of rep dem that recognizes group-based activism by nongovernmental interests striving for impact on political decision making
  12. 22. Highlighted the lack of centralized military and taxing power under the Articles of Confederation
  13. 24. A model of rep dem that emphasizes limited participation in politics and civil society
  14. 25. A check the House has against officers of the U.S. Simple majority vote would trigger a trial in the Senate where 2/3rds are needed to remove
  15. 27. Article 5 in the Constitution outlines this process (2/3 vote in both houses of Congress; 3/4 of state legislatures)
  16. 28. The year in the 19th century that the Constitution first permitted a Congressional ban on the slave trade (180_)
  1. 1. Supported ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government
  2. 3. Reserve powers, a major justification for supporters of states rights
  3. 5. A government’s power cannot be absolute
  4. 8. Powers shared by the federal and state governments
  5. 9. Implicit agreement among the people in a society to give up some freedoms to maintain social order
  6. 12. Grants from the federal government to the states that allow the states discretion in how to spend the money
  7. 16. Compromise in Constitution about how slaves would be counted for representation and taxation purposes
  8. 17. Contrary to a direct democracy, a government where the scheme of representation takes place
  9. 19. A model of rep dem that emphasizes broad participation in politics and civil society
  10. 20. Powers that are explicitly spelled out in the Constitution
  11. 23. Opposed the Constitution’s ratification, wanting more power reserved to the states rather than a strong central government
  12. 26. Requirements by the national government of the states