unit 1 review game- Noah Johnson

  1. 4. is the heritage of faith
  2. 6. the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
  3. 9. Christ inspired what
  4. 10. means to hand on
  5. 11. is professed in a creed
  6. 13. all powerful
  7. 14. leads us to condivide that there must be a God
  8. 15. is the new Eve
  9. 16. is inspired and inerrant
  10. 18. the foundation of moral principles that are right and know on by all
  11. 19. believes only what can be proven by science
  12. 20. the world exist independant of our minds
  13. 21. believes only what is material is real
  14. 22. the natural voice that God gives everyone
  1. 1. christ is present in this
  2. 2. the state of being real
  3. 3. the first four arguments
  4. 5. the books of the bible containing God’s revelation
  5. 6. the word of God entrusted to the apostles
  6. 7. I believe
  7. 8. a chain of nonstopping events
  8. 12. a declaration of the essential beliefs of the church
  9. 17. believes that all truth is relative