Unit 1 Vocab

  1. 2. This includes systems that are used to maintain health and treat injuries and illness. The ¨Product¨ of the system is people and animals they have good health and fitness
  2. 4. Physical systems consisting of five essential, irrelated elements: inputs, processes, outputs, feedback, and goals
  3. 5. Areas of technology that are undergoing continuing change.
  4. 6. The results of a process Outputs may be desired or undesired.
  5. 9. This uncluedes systems that transform materials into products in a central location. The Products are then transported through a distribution system to the ultimate consumer.
  6. 10. One designed to meet the needs of an individual
  7. 11. The resources needed to make a product. These inputs may be grouped into seven main classes: natural resources, human resources, capital, knowledge, finances, time, and energy.
  8. 15. The study of the laws and principles that govern the physical universe.
  9. 16. This includes systems that construct residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and civil structures, The structures are produced on the site where they are to be used.
  10. 17. The capacity for doing work. It is a necessary input in all technological systems.
  11. 18. The meeting of human needs and wants as they relate to this specific system
  12. 19. Information that a system uses to control itself. By measuring an output, the system gains information needed to take corrective action.
  13. 21. Design to transform resources into outputs for a large number of people.
  14. 22. The meeting of the broad needs and wants of human society
  15. 23. The use of technological systems to grow genetic resources or employ living organisms to reach specific goals.
  1. 1. The study of areas of philosophy that relate to human concerns. Studying the humanities helps people develop personal priorities.
  2. 3. This includes systems that produce outputs by growing plants and animals. The outputs may be food or fiber.
  3. 7. Processes that are used to assure the efficient and appropriate use of resources.
  4. 8. This includes systems that communicate information and ideas using technical means. The product is often a media message designed to reach a mass audience.
  5. 12. Process that change resource into outputs, such as products
  6. 13. The study of of how human develop and use items to change or control the world around them
  7. 14. The area of human knowledge that includes language and mathematics. It is the basis for communication.
  8. 20. The plant and equipment used to produce products.