Unit 1 Vocab Review

  1. 3. This set of numbers represents all of the numbers
  2. 6. Squaring a number and taking the square root of a number are called
  3. 8. These numbers include counting numbers and zero.
  4. 11. When you try to find the square root of a negative number.
  5. 14. These numbers are non-terminating,non-repeating decimals.
  6. 16. These numbers include whole numbers and their opportunities.
  7. 17. When converting 2 repeating decimals to a fraction, put the number over.
  8. 19. The positive root of a square number is called the
  9. 20. These numbers are called the "Counting Numbers," and start with 1.
  1. 1. These numbers are defined by their ability to be made into a fraction.
  2. 2. The square root sign is called.
  3. 4. The square root of ____ squares are irrational.
  4. 5. 1,4,9,16,25,36 and 49 are all examples.
  5. 7. The value under the radical is called.
  6. 9. Every number has___ square roots, a positive and a negative.
  7. 10. These numbers show repeated multiplication and are shown by a small number placed in the upper right hand corner of a number or value.
  8. 12. These types of decimals "end" and do not go on forever
  9. 13. When converting a single repeating decimal to a fraction, put the digit over
  10. 15. These types of decimals repeat the same digits over and over infinity.
  11. 18. 1,8,27,64,125,216,343 are all examples