Unit 1 Vocabulary

  1. 2. Show or prove with examples
  2. 5. Unknown person encountered
  3. 6. On time or prompt
  4. 7. Detailed study of a subject
  5. 11. Reliable and accountable
  6. 13. Causing anger or hurt feelings
  7. 14. Genuine and real
  8. 16. Make a strong impact on someone
  9. 18. Keep in good condition
  10. 19. to Result in or cause
  11. 20. Anticipate or look forward to
  1. 1. Think about carefully
  2. 3. Value or recognize worth
  3. 4. Lack of strength or flaw
  4. 8. Informal or colloquial language
  5. 9. Achievement or success
  6. 10. Choose from a group
  7. 12. Expert and skilled in a job
  8. 15. Belief in one's abilities
  9. 17. Producing the desired result