Unit 10

  1. 2. pleasant; smooth and polished in manner
  2. 6. an explanatory note or comment
  3. 8. generous
  4. 9. calmness, composure
  5. 12. accumulate
  6. 15. producing a strong feeling or reaction
  7. 16. to put off until later
  8. 18. chaos
  1. 1. effective
  2. 3. strong condemnation, abusive language
  3. 4. secret
  4. 5. showing great variety
  5. 7. the essential or main part
  6. 10. domineering, arrogant
  7. 11. accidental, a happy chance
  8. 13. an unprincipled person, a criminal
  9. 14. not necessary
  10. 17. sitting, remaining in one place