Unit 10 | WWI - WWII | Vocab | Vol. I

  1. 1. to limit the purchase of consumption of food or other goods
  2. 3. an organized group of people that works to influence government
  3. 4. products such as a washing machines, cars, or refrigerators bought for personal use
  4. 6. to make an economy more varied in the types of goods it produces
  5. 7. to provide money for a speficif use or purpose
  6. 9. all that is being done to win a war
  7. 11. a period of low economic activity and high unemployment
  8. 12. was a UK ship that was torpedoed by an German Navy U-boat during the First World War on 7 May 1915
  9. 13. a secret communication created by a German official that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany. Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
  10. 15. a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States
  1. 2. a war in which the major nations of the world are involved.
  2. 5. an economic cycle in which high demands leads to high output, which results in falling pries and hard times
  3. 8. devotion to one's country
  4. 10. to take the necessary steps to prepare a nation to fight and win a war.
  5. 14. clothing of a particular kind