Unit 11 - Week 9

  1. 3. birth, marriage, maturity, employment, retirement, death, and how these are treated
  2. 5. mysterious
  3. 6. impatient
  4. 8. things which are considdered important to people and tend to guide their lives
  5. 9. particular national public holidays, feast days, festivals etc.
  6. 13. particular faith/belief systems
  7. 14. the political system and type of government and/or monarchy, the legal system, education, financial system
  8. 17. weather conditions in different seasons
  9. 18. the general terrain and physical features
  10. 19. hostile
  1. 1. (civil) wars, invasions, revolutions, fmaines, natural disasters etc.
  2. 2. unspoken/unwritten ways of doing things, e.g. rules of etiquette and manners regarding how to eat, socialise, dress, drive, greet and address eachother; punctuality, tipping, the way people treat each other
  3. 3. written and spoken means of communication used by a particular group of people
  4. 4. lonely
  5. 7. surprise
  6. 10. activated
  7. 11. characteristic styles of music, theatre, film, painting, opera, literature etc.
  8. 12. characteristic style of buidldings and interior design; also common building materials used, ratio of old/new buildings, the built environment and its heritage
  9. 15. stupid
  10. 16. interesting
  11. 17. a particular style of cooking; this will include specialities, unusual dishes and staple diet of a particular area