Unit 11: Work

  1. 3. People in ______ jobs help sell products.
  2. 5. Manufactured products can be made by craft or by ________.
  3. 10. ______ farming gives animals more space.
  4. 11. _______ fishing happens near the coast.
  5. 14. ______ sector jobs transform natural products into manufactured products.
  1. 1. _____ crops just need rainwater.
  2. 2. Taking natural resources from inside the earth.
  3. 4. ______ sector jobs provide a service.
  4. 6. Money people earn at their jobs
  5. 7. _______ farming keeps animals in small spaces.
  6. 8. ________ crops need extra water.
  7. 9. ______ fishing happens far from the coast.
  8. 12. Animals raised to be eaten
  9. 13. ______ sector jobs obtain or process natural products.