Unit 12 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. _________________ kills about 430,000 Americans per year
  2. 3. It is normal for someone to be ___________ before they take their final exams
  3. 5. The name for the place where the digestive and respiratory systems meet
  4. 7. There are 5 of them: smell, see, touch, taste, hear
  5. 8. the name of an extension that conducts signals toward a neuron or effector
  6. 9. The name of the disease that causes alveoli to disintegrate
  7. 13. They return blood to the heart
  8. 15. The name of the nervous system that carries impulses in/out of the CNS
  9. 17. They carry blood away from the heart
  10. 18. The term for when the heart is in its contraction phase
  11. 19. The name of the part of the brain that controls intelligence, personality, etc
  12. 21. Another name for Red Blood Cells
  13. 22. The name of the structures in the blood vessels where gas exchange occurs
  14. 24. If you are smart, you may be said to have ‘___
  15. 25. The name of the system that consists of organs facilitating gas exchange
  16. 27. The term for when the heart is in its relaxation phase
  17. 29. The name of the system made up of the heart and blood vessels
  18. 31. The name of the master control center of the nervous system
  19. 32. The process of alternating between the processes of inhaling and exhaling
  20. 33. The name of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord
  1. 2. The name of the layers of connective tissue that protect the brain
  2. 4. The name for the structures that lead to each lung
  3. 6. The name of the heart chamber that pumps blood
  4. 7. The name for anything that causes a nerve signal to start
  5. 10. A ________ cup of soup will warm you up on a cold day
  6. 11. The name of the respiratory surfaces found in the outfoldings of aquatic animals
  7. 12. There’s _____chambers of a mammals’ heart; the same number of seasons per year
  8. 14. Another name for White Blood Cells
  9. 16. The nickname of the SA (sinoatrial) node
  10. 20. The name for the concentration of the nervous system at the head end
  11. 23. The name for the sheet of muscle that borders the bottom of the lungs
  12. 26. The name of the part of the brain that controls heart rate and breathing
  13. 28. The name for the ‘voice box’
  14. 30. The name of the heart chamber that receives blood