Unit 12 Spelling (Review Units 7-11)
- 2. Valerie and Ron Taylor made a dive suit out of _____ mail
- 3. past tense of break
- 4. there are 50 of these in the United States
- 6. It's important to be _____ to those around you
- 8. opposite of fake
- 10. Ms. Thilo
- 12. not quite
- 13. a car has four of these
- 15. You could use this word to describe diamonds or gold
- 16. You say this when you don't know if the answer is yes or no.
- 17. rhymes with knight and sight
- 1. Frosty is made out of this
- 2. Please _____ the door.
- 4. you do this when you are happy
- 5. If you let go of a balloon it will do this.
- 7. part of a house that's made of glass.
- 9. opposite of never
- 11. opposite of left
- 14. past tense of lay
- 15. What _____ do you live on?