Unit 1

  1. 2. 11x4÷2
  2. 3. 4th multiple of 22
  3. 5. (6+4)x3
  4. 6. 70+6x100-95
  5. 8. 20x8+50÷5
  6. 9. 256 x 10
  7. 11. first common multiple of 7 and 3
  8. 12. 70+50-4x3
  9. 14. 170-4x15
  10. 16. 5th multiple of 3
  11. 17. 350+(32÷8)x11
  12. 19. 100÷10x6
  1. 1. 2nd common multiple of 2 and 6
  2. 2. 7th multiple of 4
  3. 3. 10th multiple of 8
  4. 4. 5th multiple of 11
  5. 5. 180-60+200
  6. 7. 500+5x8÷4
  7. 9. 56÷4+200
  8. 10. 6000+300+70
  9. 12. 10th multiple of 12
  10. 13. 800+60+1
  11. 15. 100+20+3
  12. 18. 3x6+7x4