Unit 14 Criminal Profiling

  1. 4. An act that exploits or puts someone at a disadvantage
  2. 5. Something a criminal takes away from a crime scene to keep for themselves
  3. 6. The study of the victims of crime and the psychological effects on them of their experience
  4. 9. Type of crimes most likely to benefit from the use of a profiler
  5. 13. A session of questioning about possible guilt
  6. 14. A distinguishing style or telltale sign left behind at a crime scene or on a victim
  7. 15. The killing of four o0r more victims by one or a few assailants within a single event
  8. 16. An examination of the body after death
  1. 1. Scene The location where a crime has been committed or any place that evidence relating to a crime may be found
  2. 2. Demonstrates the offender committed the crime without premeditation or planning.
  3. 3. The killing of one person by another
  4. 7. Shows offender had control over the situation and that it was well planned out and premeditated
  5. 8. Used to identify major personality and behavior characteristics of an individual based upon the activities related to the crime(s) at hand
  6. 10. A number of murders, in a short span or time
  7. 11. A field that blends psychology, law, and criminal justice
  8. 12. Operandi Manner of working or “mode of operation”