Unit 17 Police Powers

  1. 2. Twelve people chosen to hear a case at crown court (4)
  2. 5. Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1,1,1,1)
  3. 6. Highly qualified person in charge of trials at crown court (5)
  4. 7. Gives legal advice (9)
  5. 11. Offence that can be dealt with by magistrates court (7)
  6. 12. Member of a political community or state (7)
  7. 13. Warning given to arrested people about what they say(7)
  8. 14. Paid qualified senior magistrate (8,5)
  9. 15. Official instructions on how to do the job (5,2,8)
  10. 17. A law or Act of Parliament(7)
  11. 18. Court where indictable criminal cases are heard (5,5)
  12. 20. Disobeying bail conditions (6,2,4)
  13. 23. Agreement (7)
  1. 1. Authority from a magistrate or judge to make an arrest or search(7)
  2. 3. Circumstances that make a crime less serious (10)
  3. 4. Lay person who hears summary cases (10)
  4. 8. Local criminal court where the sentence (11,5) for an offence is up to 6 months/£5000 fine
  5. 9. Prison or other secure place (7)
  6. 10. Defendants are aged between 10 and 17 here (5,5)
  7. 16. Accused (9)
  8. 19. Organisation of lawyers which prepares prosecution of criminal cases using evidence collected by police (1,1,1)
  9. 21. Depriving a suspect of their freedom (6)
  10. 22. Arrangement to ensure that a defendant will appear in court (4)