Unit 2: Biopsychology

  1. 1. number of chromosomal pairs humans have
  2. 4. consisting of two different alleles
  3. 7. an altered state of consciousness
  4. 9. electrical signal that moves down the neuron's axon
  5. 10. secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar
  6. 17. One of the two major hormones secreted from the pancreas
  7. 19. state of equilibrium
  8. 20. sensory relay for the brain
  9. 21. a persons inheritable characteristics
  10. 22. major extension of the stoma
  11. 23. secretes sexual hormone
  12. 24. grooves in the cerebral cortex
  13. 25. this gland secretes hormones in charge of body fluid regulation
  1. 2. nervous system's ability to change
  2. 3. largest part of the brain
  3. 5. study focusing on genes and their expressions
  4. 6. siblings that develop from the same sperm and egg
  5. 8. disease related to insufficient insulin
  6. 11. study of behavior and the mind
  7. 12. observable result of a genotype
  8. 13. a sudden and permanent change to DNA
  9. 14. storage site for neurotransmitters
  10. 15. protein on cell's surface where neurotransmitters attach
  11. 16. small gap between two neurons where communication occurs
  12. 18. cell body
  13. 20. secretes hormone that regulates growth, metabolism, and appetite