Unit 2 Chapters 4-7 Vocab

  1. 1. where the baby develops
  2. 6. baby born 3 weeks before full term
  3. 7. most common form of PPMD and not at all serious, goes away on its own
  4. 10. sucking motion
  5. 11. cervix flattens and opens to create room for baby to come out
  6. 12. actual, sever mental disorder and demands medical treatment so you don't kill yourself or your child
  7. 16. condition existing at or before birth
  8. 17. baby born before it is able to survive independently
  9. 19. where eggs travel from ovaries to uterus
  10. 22. a fertilized ovum
  11. 25. baby drops into birth canal to prepare for birth
  1. 2. baby is born deceased
  2. 3. male reproductive cell
  3. 4. twins that DON'T look alike
  4. 5. feet fan out when side of foot is stimulated
  5. 8. small cut made to widen mother's birth canal to prevent tearing
  6. 9. grabbing things when hand is stimulated
  7. 13. more serious form of PPMD and needs treatment
  8. 14. large spoon shaped tools to help gently pull the baby out
  9. 15. gripping things with toes when bottom of foot is stimmulated
  10. 18. conceiving a child
  11. 20. test to check baby's health one, five and ten minutes after birth
  12. 21. female reproductive cell
  13. 23. twins that DO look alike
  14. 24. woman without diabetes gets high blood sugar levels during pregnancy