Topic 8: Fraction Equivalence and Ordering

  1. 2. These are fractions where the numerator is larger than the denominator.
  2. 3. Is the top number in a fraction. It tells you how many parts you have.
  3. 7. Are different fractions that represent the same part of a whole.
  4. 8. Shows how many parts of a whole you have.
  5. 9. Means arranging things according to a certain rule or pattern.
  6. 10. Means to mark a point on a graph, number line, or chart.
  1. 1. Are standard or easy-to-remember amounts that help you understand and compare sizes or amounts.
  2. 4. Means to look at two or more things and see how they are similar or different.
  3. 5. Is the bottom number in a fraction. It shows how many equal parts the whole is divided into.
  4. 6. Is a number that has a whole number and a fraction part.