Unit 2 Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. the study of fossil magnetism in rocks
  2. 3. An undersea mountain chain that creates new ocean floor through diverging oceanic plates
  3. 6. valley created at a divergent boundary where plates are spreading apart
  4. 7. a hypothesis that has been tested and not found faulty
  5. 9. region where 2 plates are SLIDING past each other
  6. 10. movement of tectonic plates over time
  7. 12. sections of lithosphere that the Earth's surface is divided into
  8. 13. region where 2 plates are COLLIDING
  9. 14. region where 2 plates are SPREADING APART
  1. 1. the idea that over time the continents have slowly drifted apart
  2. 4. the supercontinent that the continental drift was based on
  3. 5. fixed area of the mantle where hot magma rises through the lithosphere above it
  4. 7. plates in the ocean separate allowing magma to rise and create new crust
  5. 8. A valley that lies along the bottom of the ocean at a subduction zone
  6. 11. process of when a denser oceanic plate moves under a less dense continental plate