Unit 2 - Puzzle 2

  1. 1. product of living cells that circulates in blood and produces a specific effect on the activity of cells
  2. 4. A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels
  3. 7. magnifies/amplifies a process or output
  4. 8. solution with a high solute concentration
  5. 9. abnormal decrease of blood sugar
  6. 10. a substance that is dissolved in a solvent
  7. 11. type of diabetes usually diagnosed in childhood characterized by a lack of insulin
  1. 1. determines the average blood sugar concentration for the preceding 2-3mo
  2. 2. type of diabetes characteristically diagnosed in adults with high blood sugar
  3. 3. triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation
  4. 5. A test of the body’s ability to metabolize glucose
  5. 6. abnormal increase of blood sugar
  6. 8. solution with a low solute concentration