Unit 2 Review

  1. 4. Congress's check on the bureaucracy
  2. 6. done every ten years after the census
  3. 8. social security is an example of ___ spending
  4. 10. Bureaucrats are _____ in their fields
  5. 11. relationship b/t bureaucracy, interest groups, and Congress
  6. 13. established in Marbury v Madison
  7. 14. argued for strong single executive
  8. 15. has sole power to approve treaties
  9. 16. head of the House of Representatives
  1. 1. has increased the power of the President
  2. 2. agencies have power of ______ authority to implement policy
  3. 3. informs members of upcoming votes
  4. 5. President's stage speak directly to public
  5. 7. to follow precedent
  6. 9. responsible for setting debate rules in house
  7. 12. rep follows exactly what constituents want