Unit 2 Terms

  1. 1. a language pattern, often regional, that is different from the typical pattern
  2. 4. use few words to communicate a main idea
  3. 5. the means used to transmit a message from sender to receiver
  4. 6. the way people use space
  5. 7. how you distribute you the weight of your body on your feet
  6. 9. communication conducted through both verbal and nonverbal means
  7. 10. language gestures, eye contact, posture, facial expression, and proxemics as conveyors of feeling
  8. 12. something you want to communicate
  9. 14. the relationship of language to a specific situation, purpose, and audience
  10. 17. the receiver's response to the sender
  11. 19. barriers include language, vocabulary, accents, and customs
  12. 21. the technical vocabulary of a hobby, occupation, or other specialized activity
  13. 23. a word's implied or suggested meaning
  14. 24. barriers physical, mental, and cultural forms of interference
  15. 26. anything that distorts or creates barriers to communication
  16. 32. communication anything people communicate beyond the literal meaning of words
  17. 34. an expression that means something other than the literal meaning of it's words
  18. 35. gestures movements that allow a speaker to emphasize spoken words
  19. 36. gestures movements that help listeners visualize spoken words
  20. 37. one for whom a message is intended
  1. 2. a process for exchanging ideas and creating meaning
  2. 3. receiving sound waves without intention
  3. 8. one who communicates a message
  4. 9. a distinctive behavior that people associate with you
  5. 11. a word's explicit, literal meaning; dictionary definition
  6. 13. the way a message is expressed
  7. 15. referring to general concepts or ideas
  8. 16. referring to specific items or processes you can see or instantly identify
  9. 18. listening using concentration, retention, judgement, and empathy while listening
  10. 20. time and place
  11. 22. how you hold your body
  12. 23. listening retaining, recalling, and using information for a purpose
  13. 25. the process of translating communication into meaning
  14. 27. the process of turning ideas into meaning
  15. 28. believability or worthiness of belief
  16. 29. word order
  17. 30. restate in your own words
  18. 31. to hear
  19. 33. listening analyzing and evaluating what you hear