Unit 2: United States and Canada

  1. 3. Communities that form outside of cities
  2. 6. This is the movement of plants, animals and disease between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere during the age of exploration. (2 words)
  3. 8. A political unit in Canada similar to a State
  4. 9. According to the Map on page 125 what is the major Vegetation over the United States and Canada
  5. 12. This is a landform region that runs through Georgia up to New Jersey and is a low plateau region near the Appalachian Mountains
  6. 14. This is one of the older Mountain Ranges found in America
  7. 16. A region in which several large cities and surrounding areas grow together
  8. 18. North America's Highest Peak
  1. 1. This is the state Ms. Trinrud is from, it also is bordered by the Mississippi in the West, and Lake Michigan to the east.
  2. 2. This river is one of the most important River systems in the United States and flows from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico
  3. 4. Canada and the United States both have pulled people to move from their home nations to their countries. What are these people called?
  4. 5. A genre of Music that originated from African Americans particularly in the South
  5. 6. This is the highest point in the Rockies that seperates rivers and determines whether they run east or west. (2 words)
  6. 7. This is when poorly planned cities often expand beyond a manageable area (2 words)
  7. 8. A political system that combines the legislative and executive branch
  8. 10. 85% of Americans are part of this Religion
  9. 11. This Canadian province's main language is French
  10. 13. A subregion of the United States known for its fertile soil and farmland
  11. 15. This is the largest State in the United States of America
  12. 17. These are goods a country sells to another country