Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 2. A name given to independent women in the 1920s that wore shorter skirts. cut their hair short, and danced to jazz.
  2. 4. A secret message from Germany to Mexico proposing a partnership during World War I. The message seized by the British and caused the United States to enter the war.
  3. 7. Corps A New Deal program to put young men to work on the land, especially in national and state parks.
  4. 8. A mass movement of African Americans from the South to big cities in the North beginning around World War I.
  5. 9. I A great war that began in Europe in 1914 between the Allied and the Central Powers. Eventually, more than 30 countries would become involved. The Allied Powers won!
  6. 13. A British passenger ship that was attacked by a German submarine during World War I. This led to the deaths to 128 Americans.
  7. 14. When people owe money for the things they have bought. This is the result of using credit to pay for goods.
  8. 16. An artistic and literary movement that began because of the Great Migration. It began in the Harlem district of New York City and celebrated African American history and culture.
  9. 17. A New Deal program that provided money to retired and unemployed workers.
  10. 18. the total number of people who do not have a job
  11. 21. The president of the United States during World War I. He came up with the idea of the League of Nations. Also, he believed in the Progressive Movement.
  12. 23. A time of very high unemployment and slow economic activity that began in 1929.
  13. 24. An alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia in the early 1900s. Later, the United States joined the Allied Powers in World War I.
  14. 25. Places that provided free meals to people who were homeless or did not have jobs.
  1. 1. A new style of music invented by black musicians in New Orleans. It features lively, sometimes offbeat rhythms, and is sometimes made up as the musicians play.
  2. 3. Administration A New Deal program that paid farmers not to grow crops to increase demand for farm goods.
  3. 5. A New Deal program to create jobs for people in cities as well as artists, writers, and photographers.
  4. 6. The only American president to be elected to four terms. Also known as FDR, he led the country through the Great Depression and most of World War II.
  5. 10. An alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
  6. 11. An organization created by Woodrow Wilson that would work to keep peace around the world.
  7. 12. A nickname given to shakes built from scraps of wood or metal. This name was meant to express anger at President Hoover, who people felt was not doing enough to end the Great Depression.
  8. 15. The treaty that officially ended World War I. It placed the blame for the war on Germany.
  9. 19. A long period of little to no rain
  10. 20. A way for a person to pay for a product a little bit at a time, rather than all at once.
  11. 22. Franklin Roosevelt's program to use government money to put people back to work and end the Great Depression.