Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 5. period in United States history following the American Civil War, dominated by the legal, social, and political challenges of abolishing slavery and reintegrating the former Confederate States of America into the United States.
  2. 7. American politician who served as the first and only president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. He represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives as a member of the Democratic Party before the American Civil War.
  3. 10. allegedly opportunistic or disruptive Northerners who came to the Southern states
  4. 12. 1,300-mile long route from Illinois to Utah on which Mormon pioneers traveled from 1846–47.
  5. 13. enslaved African American man who, along with his wife, Harriet, unsuccessfully sued for the freedom of themselves and their two daughters, famous court case
  6. 14. discovery of gold—sometimes accompanied by other precious metals and rare-earth minerals—that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune
  7. 15. American abolitionist and activist for African-American civil rights, women's rights, and alcohol temperance.
  8. 17. a process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct. It may be understood as a unique process involving both political and legal elements.
  9. 18. also known as the Wormley Agreement or the Bargain of 1877, was an unwritten political deal in the United States to settle the intense dispute over the results of the 1876
  10. 19. several historical and current American white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations and hate groups.
  11. 21. American abolitionist and social activist. After escaping slavery, made some 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including her family and friends, using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known collectively as the Underground Railroad.
  12. 24. an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865
  13. 25. the action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.
  14. 26. restricted black people's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces
  15. 28. a number of people or things sharing a specified characteristic and following one after the other.
  16. 29. a 2,170-mile (3,490 km) east–west, large-wheeled wagon route and emigrant trail in the United States that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon Territory.
  17. 30. occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.
  18. 31. was a law passed by the 31st United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern interests in slavery and Northern Free-Soilers
  1. 1. 19th-century route through central North America that connected Franklin, Missouri, with Santa Fe, New Mexico
  2. 2. granted by state constitution or state statute and allocates some autonomy to a local government, if the local government accepts certain conditions
  3. 3. legal arrangement in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on that land.
  4. 4. a prominent leader in the American abolitionist movement in the decades preceding the Civil
  5. 6. recourse in law by which a report can be made to a court in the events of unlawful detention or imprisonment, requesting that the court orders the person's custodian, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether their detention is lawful.
  6. 8. he principle that the leaders of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, who are the source of all political legitimacy.
  7. 9. an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. He became the most important leader of the movement for African-American civil rights in the 19th century.
  8. 11. was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil Wa
  9. 16. white Southerners who supported Reconstruction policies and efforts after the conclusion of the American Civil War.
  10. 20. the political policy of promoting or protecting the interests of "native-born" or established inhabitants over those of immigrants, including the support of anti-immigration and immigration-restriction measures.
  11. 22. in international law, is the forcible acquisition and assertion of legal title over one state's territory by another state, usually following military occupation of the territory.
  12. 23. also known as Peace Democrats, were a faction of the Democratic Party in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates.
  13. 27. or the South, was an unrecognized breakaway republic in the Southern United States that existed from February 8, 1861, to May 9, 1865.