Unit 2 words

  1. 4. cheerful, optimistic.
  2. 9. You are waiting for some important exam results.
  3. 10. be tearing your hair out.
  4. 11. be in two minds (about something).
  5. 12. be over the moon.
  6. 13. you and a group of friends are told off for bad behaviour in class.
  1. 1. Your application for a summer job has been rejected
  2. 2. lose face.
  3. 3. Frightened or concerned that one may be in danger or that something undesirable will happen.
  4. 5. so shocked that one is temporarily unable to react.
  5. 6. something gets on your nerves.
  6. 7. Blow your top.
  7. 8. be green with envy.