Unit 2B vocabulary

  1. 4. original image
  2. 5. Geometric terms rotation, reflection, translation, and dilation.
  3. 7. lines do not cross
  4. 9. curve that is a line in Spherical Geometry
  5. 11. _____________ symmetry that an object when flipped the same.
  6. 13. an object maintains shape but size changes by a scale factor
  7. 14. what is multiplied to the length or ordered pair to change the size
  1. 1. new image after a transformation
  2. 2. fold line
  3. 3. Geometry that is shaped as a ball or earth, three dimensional
  4. 6. a slide up or down or crossways that does not change the size of the object
  5. 8. contains at least two points and straight in Euclidean Geometry
  6. 10. _____________ symmetry that an object has when turned remains the same.
  7. 12. Geometry that is flat and two dimensional.