unit 3

  1. 3. Restored Bourbon monarchy under Constitutional monarchy constitution
  2. 5. (independence, 2 words) Higher taxes, British control of trade, & internal meddling with colonies during Lord North era
  3. 6. French Revolution hero & saved the Directory from collapse from conservative-counter revolt
  4. 9. Government meddlesome who lived lavishly
  5. 10. Ended the War of Austrian Succession (3 words)
  6. 13. These men were in charge during Royal Return & helped Napoleon come to power
  7. 17. Napoleon defeats Austria in this battle via Grand Armee
  8. 19. Storming of Bastille in Paris on July 14th, 1989, beginning French Revolution
  9. 21. 3rd Estate Leader who had moderate reform & was the bridge between people and monarchy
  10. 22. War of Austrian Succession began as what? (2 words)
  11. 24. British King during the American War for Independence
  12. 25. Declaration of the Rights of Man
  13. 27. Leader of the radical wing of the Revolution who made great changes
  14. 28. Known as Louis the Beloved
  15. 29. Jacobin group who wore pants and were precursor to communism
  16. 30. When Napoleon adds more on his army & went on the offensive
  17. 33. (2 words) Oath of moderate reform which established Constitution of France & kept true principles of Monarchy
  18. 34. Charles Alexander's plan to cut spending, hard money policy, free trade, sell church land, raise taxes but force Estates to pay
  19. 35. (3 words) 40,000 executions (church and nobles) & ends with the Thermidorian Reaction
  1. 1. Napoleon burns Moscow in this battle but army suffers through winter & hunger
  2. 2. (2 words) legal system which extends to Europe
  3. 4. Napoleon's defeat from Duke of Wellington
  4. 7. Hero of Two Worlds & National Assembly VP
  5. 8. Began as the French & Indian War where Washington played a role (3 words)
  6. 11. Joseph II, Frederick II, and Catherine the Great were these Enlightened monarchs
  7. 12. This began as a slave insurrection against white plantation owners (red cap = radical)
  8. 14. Radicals who wanted King killed, interest in violence
  9. 15. (2 words) Britain & France + Austria + Prussia = enemies (forming alliances: GB & Prussia, France & Austria)
  10. 16. Treaty ended Seven Years War
  11. 18. Weak, incompetent king who liked eating and hunting than his job
  12. 20. This battle marked Napoleon's defeat and exile from the 6th coalition
  13. 23. Church, Nobility, & People of France
  14. 26. 3rd Estate Leader; wrote "What is the 3rd Estate?" pamphlet
  15. 31. Moderates who were unsure if the king should be killed
  16. 32. Napoleon defeats Prussia in this battle