Connected Lives

  1. 2. My back injury prevented my _____ in any sports for a while.
  2. 4. I had time to _____ my essay before I handed it in to the teacher.
  3. 6. Nizwa has a _____ market where people sell many different kids of Omani products.
  4. 7. Innovations in education take place through modern types of ___ such as the mobile phone or tablet.
  5. 8. Teachers have a limited amount of time to ____ with each student.
  6. 9. Speech is the fastest method of _______ between people.
  1. 1. The company are using the latest _____ to improve their work.
  2. 2. We have made a list of 10 _____ people who would be perfect for this job!
  3. 3. Learning about other ______ around the world is helpful for people who love travelling.
  4. 5. My colleague and I formed a great _____ and went on to work together many times.