Unit 3: Crime Scenes- Legal Terms

  1. 2. a meeting and presentation of evidence to an official, especially a judge, without a jury
  2. 6. the lawyer who leads the case against a criminal in court
  3. 8. a public official who is a prosecutor for the state or federal government
  4. 9. a synonym for lawyer
  5. 10. to be found guilty in a criminal trial or case
  6. 11. an amount of money paid that allows a suspect or convicted criminal to be released until imprisonment
  7. 12. the formal charge or accusation of committing a crime
  1. 1. police, officials, or other agents that enforce the law
  2. 3. to be free from a criminal charge after a trial
  3. 4. to confirm or line up with information received from another source
  4. 5. a statement or oath someone makes used as evidence in a trial
  5. 7. to provide evidence in a trial, whether by a witness or expert