Unit 3 Disasters

  1. 5. If headaches only ___ at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.
  2. 6. big
  3. 7. go around and around
  4. 8. heavy frozen rain
  5. 9. If you are caught in the path of an avalanche, hold on to an ___, such as a tree.
  6. 11. Pompeii was buried by a volcanic ___.
  7. 12. big
  8. 13. If you are in an avalanche area, travel ___ (not side by side).
  9. 15. water becomes water vapor
  10. 16. When emergency managers tell you to ___, leave the room immediately.
  11. 19. the sloping side of a hill
  12. 21. a strong wind carrying clounds of sand
  13. 24. A ___ can signal your location.
  14. 26. When snow come to the warm floor, it ___.
  15. 28. destroyed pieces
  1. 1. ___ is a borrowed word from Japan which is a natural disaster.
  2. 2. a rapid movement of a large mass of mud
  3. 3. fall to the ground
  4. 4. In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal ___ during a storm.
  5. 7. a tool used for digging
  6. 8. half of the earth
  7. 9. direction
  8. 10. a large amount of water
  9. 14. people who live in one place
  10. 17. an angry mountain
  11. 18. no water
  12. 20. a mass of snow falling rapidly
  13. 22. ___s have different shapes.
  14. 23. slightly wet
  15. 24. a violent rotating wind storm
  16. 25. same
  17. 27. Warm ocean water provides energy for the hurricanes can cause more water becoming water vapor, making ___ air and clouds.