Unit 3: Earth Processes Vocabulary Words

  1. 3. the process the plates of the Earth's crust are constantly moving over the mantle, that causing natural disasters or volcanoes.
  2. 5. When two or more plates move towards each other
  3. 10. A sloping surface that goes from low tide to the continental slope.
  4. 12. where two plates create friction by sliding against each other.
  5. 13. the Earths crust outermost layer.
  6. 14. Where two tectonic plates move away from each other
  1. 1. a liquid layer that makes up the uppermost part of the mantle.
  2. 2. the removal of moisture.
  3. 4. deep depression on the ocean floor.
  4. 6. the process where one plate lithosphere slides under another at a convergent plate boundary.
  5. 7. the distribution of organisms in specific zones based on latitude and depth.
  6. 8. A process that relates to the reason why the Earths crust floating on the mantle.
  7. 9. an region where cold sea water seeps into the ocean crust and is superheated by underlying magma causing it to rise in ocean vents.
  8. 11. The animals that live in the sediment of ocean floors.