Unit 3: Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. a small, violently erupting volcano formed by an accumulation of large pyroclastic materials around a vent (two words)
  2. 7. aka P-waves, cause particles in a material to undergo a push-pull type motion
  3. 9. a long, linear, dropped-down valley between twin, parallel mountain ranges produced by faulting (two words)
  4. 10. the point on Earth's surface directly above the focus
  5. 11. a broad, flat volcano formed by layers of free-flowing, high temperature basaltic lava
  6. 12. mountains mountains that form when large pieces of crust are tilted, uplifted, or dropped downward between large normal faults (two words)
  7. 13. igneous rock formed when magma pushes through dikes and erupts onto the seafloor (two words)
  8. 15. a boundary that marks a denisty change between layers
  9. 16. a weaker, plastic like layer upon which the plates move
  10. 17. the sudden energy release that goes with fault movement and causes earthquakes, or seismic vibrations (____ rebound)
  11. 18. tectonic plate boundary that exists as a large fault, or crack, along which lithospheric plates move in a horizontal direction (slide past one another in opposite directions)
  12. 21. aka S-waves, are body waves that travel more slowly than primary waves, S-waves cause particles to move perpendicular to the directions of wave travel
  13. 22. tectonic plate boundary where lithospheric plates are moving apart
  1. 1. a cycle of processes that form all mountain ranges, resulting in broad mountain belts, most of which are associated with plate boundaries
  2. 2. a measure of the resistance of a fluid to flow
  3. 3. a tectonic plate boundary where lithospheric plates collide
  4. 4. mountains mountains that form when large regions of Earth are forced slowly upward without much deformation
  5. 5. drift theory Earth's continents were joined as a single land mass, called Pangaea, that broke apart about 200 million years ago and slowly moved to their present positions
  6. 6. a condition of equilibrium that describes the displacement of Earth's mantle by Earth's continental and oceanic crust
  7. 7. any solid expelled from a volcano
  8. 8. a large volcano formed by alternating lava flows and violently erupting pyroclastic materials (another name stratovolcano
  9. 12. the point of origin of an earthquake
  10. 14. a continuous system of twin mountain ranges with a rift valley between them that extends around Earth on the seafloor; formed where two oceanic plates are forced apart due to magma rising from Earth's mantle (two word __-_____ ridge)
  11. 19. occurs when lithospheric plates converge and the edge of one plate is forced downward beneath the another, turning the subducted lithosphere back into magma
  12. 20. a "dead zone" between 105 and 140 degrees from an earthquakes epicenter, where nothing is recorded on a seismogram