Unit 3 Study Guide

  1. 3. the ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common
  2. 5. Who is the creator of classical conditioning?
  3. 7. Who is the creator of psychosocial theory?
  4. 12. something can remain the same even if the way it looks changes
  5. 13. refers to physical changes, increasing in height or weight
  6. 14. Who developed sociocultural theory?
  7. 19. to achieve self-actualization one must have other needs met first
  8. 20. How many areas of developments are there?
  1. 1. Who is the creator of cognitive development?
  2. 2. Who is the maker of social cognitive theory?
  3. 4. what kind of doll was in Bandura's experiment?
  4. 6. running,jumping,kicking,skipping,etc. are what kind of skills
  5. 8. Which stage was Trust vs. Mistrust in Erikson's theory?
  6. 9. painting,writing, cutting, etc. Need good hand-eye coordination
  7. 10. What was the main thing in Pavlov's experiment?
  8. 11. Which theory has 4 stages?
  9. 15. Who created operant conditioning?
  10. 16. What was the first stage in Piaget's theory?
  11. 17. Who was the maker of the hierarchy of needs?
  12. 18. place objects in order by a characteristic such as smallest to largest
  13. 20. How many motivation needs are there in the Hierarchy of Needs?