Unit 3: The New Nation 8.21-8.28

  1. 5. interpretation of the Constitution that seeks to adapt its meaning to the needs of the country at that moment
  2. 6. a form of government in which the people rule, either directly or through elected representatives
  3. 10. unsettled territory bordered by the Ohio River, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Mississippi River
  4. 12. to give official approval
  5. 14. Second president of the US, first vice president of the US
  6. 17. deported anyone from a country with which the United States was at war
  7. 20. opposed the constitution
  8. 23. people chosen to speak or make decisions for another person or group of people
  9. 24. representatives
  10. 27. Trail carved out by Daniel Boone through the Cumberland Gap
  11. 29. Washington offered advise on how the nation should move forward
  12. 30. a group of advisors to the president who each head a department of the executive branch
  13. 34. allowed three-fifths of a states slave population to count toward a state's total population
  14. 35. freedoms that are protected by law
  15. 36. allowed congress to divide the Northwest Territory into three to five separate territories
  16. 38. Hamilton wanted to create it to stabilize the economy
  17. 39. a person who buys and sells land for a profit
  18. 41. 16th state of the union
  19. 42. delegates meeting in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation
  20. 43. led a rebellion in Massachusetts following the Revolution over monetary debt crisis at the end of the American Revolutionary War.
  1. 1. interpretation of the Constitution that maintains the federal government has authority to do ONLY what the Constitution specifically states it can do
  2. 2. approval
  3. 3. limits any one branch from gaining too much power
  4. 4. violent protest against a tax on whiskey that took place in the United States from 1791 to 1794
  5. 7. the idea that government authority comes from people who have agreed to be governed
  6. 8. said the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and that the states had the right to nullify them
  7. 9. secretary of the treasury in Washington's Cabinet
  8. 11. loosely unified the states by giving basic powers to a weaker central government and more power to the states; government established after the American Revolution in the Colonies
  9. 13. banned any writings thought to be false, harmful, or directed against the government
  10. 15. allows the three branches to keep the other two branches in check
  11. 16. earlier events or actions used as examples for decisions or actions
  12. 18. groups of men who traveled together looking for game; first European people to come to Tennessee
  13. 19. grants Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the powers grated in the Constitution
  14. 21. the first ten amendments; protects the people's basic rights and freedoms
  15. 22. solved the representation issue in the Constitutional Convention
  16. 25. 1st president; general of the Continental Army
  17. 26. a diplomatic incident between the United States and France that occurred in 1797 and 1798
  18. 28. supported the Constitution
  19. 31. a fleet of small ships
  20. 32. change to the Constitution
  21. 33. division of power between the states and federal government
  22. 37. import tax
  23. 40. 1784 divided the Northwest Territory into states