Unit 3 Vocabulary Game

  1. 6. The process of moving to another country that you do not have a citizenship in or visa.
  2. 7. A border between two countries, or states next to each other with different political units.
  3. 11. Movement of animals/people from one region to another.
  4. 12. You choose to leave your country or home.
  5. 13. A visa that allows you to work in a foreign country without getting deported or being a citizen.
  1. 1. motivation that motivates people to migrate from the country/state. Could be poverty in their country or disasters.
  2. 2. Process of leaving one country to go to another one, to live there.
  3. 3. Border that separates two different cultures/ethnic groups.
  4. 4. Naturally occurring border that can separate countries, oceans or mountains.
  5. 5. Authorization granted to you to enter a country or to remain, study or work there.
  6. 7. An official travel document that is given to you by your country and it shows that you are a person.
  7. 8. A line that separates regions or countries to show their territory.
  8. 9. Forced migration from a country because of a health threat or natural cause, or other reasons that you are forced to leave.
  9. 10. Motivation to move to another country. Could be better work environment or health reasons.