Unit 4-6 Vocabulary Review

  1. 5. to chop or cut up, to make sense of
  2. 6. partner in crime
  3. 13. antonyms: to give, donate
  4. 14. fearless, adventurous
  5. 16. antonyms: to facilitate, make easier, smooth the way
  6. 17. We were given ___________ to the room by the principal of the school. Thank goodness, I had left my phone in my teacher's room.
  7. 19. antonyms: lazy, slacking
  8. 21. poor
  9. 22. The teacher tries to _______________ our class discussions by providing question stems to guide our conversations.
  10. 23. staying still, unmoving
  11. 25. antonyms: thin, clear, see through
  12. 26. to free, clear up, remove, loosen
  1. 1. My English teacher often reminds us that we need to use _________ sources when writing essays. We don't want any Joe Shmoe's opinion on a topic!
  2. 2. to fix or correct something
  3. 3. The inciting incident in a story serves as the ______________ that causes the rest of the conflict to unfold and thicken.
  4. 4. holding fast, holding together firmly
  5. 7. chief in importance
  6. 8. complicated and somewhat challenging
  7. 9. destined, predetermined to happen
  8. 10. to run off and hide
  9. 11. antonyms: praise, commend, thumbs up
  10. 12. antonyms: to fix, improve, make better
  11. 15. synonyms: deny, disprove, argue
  12. 18. The Samsung Razor served as a major ______________ for other more impressive phones we have today.
  13. 20. synonyms: jeer
  14. 21. Toy Story is a movie about __________________ objects coming to life the minute Andy leaves his room. Weird.
  15. 24. Vocabulary tests are definitely a(n) _____________ task. So many students struggle with completing the sentences!
  16. 27. to fail to resist temptation, to fall to
  17. 28. to make up for one's mistakes
  18. 29. Her argument was fairly __________ despite her being incredibly upset.