Unit 4 Academic Vocab

  1. 3. Reporters are allowed to publish fair and accurate accounts of official proceedings, such as a school board meeting, city council meeting or court or judicial proceeding. Because privileges are matters of state law, the names of the privileges vary from state to state.
  2. 5. printed false statements
  3. 7. This First Amendment right states you can say things with limitations.
  4. 10. This First Amendment right states you may peacefully protest.
  5. 11. acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  6. 12. This First Amendment right states you can question the government
  7. 13. blank of privacy law protects individuals from people using their personal info.
  8. 15. invasion of privacy category similar to trespassing
  9. 16. Two examples of this are slander and libel
  10. 17. This amendment states you have freedom of speech, religion, press, and to question the government.
  11. 18. states that require only one person for consent to recording.
  1. 1. invasion of privacy category where the person is shown in a negative light
  2. 2. This will always be a publication’s best defense, which means a legal defense begins at the front end, when gathering facts and information and writing, arranging, editing and checking the facts.
  3. 4. This First Amendment right states you can practice your beliefs
  4. 6. This First Amendment right is the only portion that talks directly to the media
  5. 7. verbal false statements
  6. 8. invasion of privacy category using someone's image without permission
  7. 9. acronym for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  8. 14. a legal term of art which means it was published either with known falsity or reckless disregard for the truth.