- 1. test. the forty six books of the Bible
- 5. letters originally intended for a specific audience
- 8. the study of ancestry or chronological list ancestors
- 9. angle symbol
- 11. a version of the septuagint produced by origen
- 13. wrote most of the Epistles
- 15. test. 27 books of the Bible
- 16. those books from the Bible included in the Jewish law
- 18. symbol eagle
- 19. Greek and latin for rule
- 21. a synonym for covenant
- 22. author of The Acts of The Apostles
- 24. a person selected by God to call others to repentance their lives
- 2. symbol ox
- 3. test. 27 books of the Bible
- 4. sacred scripture
- 6. a third century BC Greek translation of the O.T
- 7. one of hypothetical original sources
- 10. those books of the Bible included Jewish canon of scripture
- 12. a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
- 14. one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch
- 16. From the Greek for Five Books the Torah
- 17. original source of Pentateuch
- 20. symbol lion
- 23. the five books of Moses Genesis
- 25. test. the forty six books of the Bible