Unit 4: Circular Motion and Gravitation

  1. 1. levers and pulleys are examples of these types of machines
  2. 4. gravitational force decreases as the _____ between the objects increases
  3. 7. this artist drew cartoons of ridiculous multi-step machines designed to complete extremely simple tasks
  4. 8. center-seeking
  5. 9. centripetal acceleration is due to a change in this
  6. 10. refers to the speed or acceleration of an object in circular motion
  7. 11. any device that transmits or modifies force, usually by changing the magnitude or direction of the force
  8. 12. this is the ratio of useful work output to work input
  9. 15. these Laws describe planetary motion
  1. 2. this type of advantage is the ratio of output to input force
  2. 3. a force applied to an extended object that causes the object to rotate
  3. 5. an object's tendency to continue to move at a constant speed in a straight line
  4. 6. the force that keeps planets in orbit
  5. 13. a centripetal ______ is one that acts on an object to keep it moving along a circular path
  6. 14. gravitational force increases as the ____ of the objects increases