Unit 4 Crossword

  1. 2. You can use it to travel into space. You usually see them at NASA headquarters.
  2. 5. The verb form of: EXPLOSIVE
  3. 6. Complete the phrasal verb: SHUT ____ (the computer). Has the same meaning as 'switch off' or 'turn off'.
  4. 8. The adjective form of: INVENT
  5. 9. It's a thing you use to clean dirty plates. It looks like a Washing Machine. You usually seem them in the kitchen.
  6. 10. The country where you can find 'The Bullet Train'.
  1. 1. All modern mobile phones, tablets and some laptops have this technology. It means you don't have to use a mouse.
  2. 3. The English word for: ACTUALIZAR
  3. 4. The noun form of: COMPETE
  4. 7. Complete the gap: Humans will be ________ on Mars by 2052. (LIVE).