Unit 4 - Energy

  1. 5. – A push or a pull
  2. 8. – A machine that is made up of two or more simple machines
  3. 10. – A simple machine made of a wheel and an axle that turn together
  4. 11. – A simple machine made up of a bar that pivots, or turns, on a fixed point
  1. 1. – A simple machine made of a post with an inclined plane wrapped around it
  2. 2. – The use of a force to move an object over a distance
  3. 3. – A force that pulls two objects toward each other.
  4. 4. – A simple machine made of a wheel with a rope, cord, or chain around it
  5. 5. – The balance point of a lever that supports the arm but does not
  6. 6. – A machine with few or no moving parts that you apply just one force to
  7. 7. – A simple machine that is a slanted surface
  8. 9. – A measure of the force of gravity on an object
  9. 10. – A simple machine composed of two inclined planes back to back