Unit 4: Imperialism/WWI

  1. 2. President Wilson came up with his own ideas on how to maintain world peace, including League of Nations.
  2. 3. The only point of Wilson's Fourteen Points that was accepted into the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. 5. The act of expanding control over different parts of the world in order to gain resources, power, etc.
  4. 7. Office of War Information (OWI) produced posters to try and sell the war to the American public.
  5. 11. President Roosevelt as an extension of his "Big Stick Diplomacy" staged a revolution in this country to acquire the land for a canal to cut down travel time between Pacific & Atlantic.
  6. 17. President Wilson aimed to keep America neutral in WWI until we were attacked, or affected.
  7. 18. America created the ____________ of trade with China as new markets were needed.
  8. 19. After a violent overthrow of the Queen, Hawaii was ________ to the United States.
  1. 1. Sinking of this ship by German U-Boats provided another reason why US got into WWI.
  2. 4. Germany, Austria-Hungary & Turkey formed the Triple Alliance.
  3. 6. Ended with the Treaty of Paris (1798) that provided Cuban independence, and the acquisition of Cuba, Philippines, and Guam.
  4. 8. General ______________ led the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) that aided the Allied Powers in World War I.
  5. 9. One of the reasons the United States was brought into WWI.
  6. 10. The act of exaggerating stories that brought America into the Spanish American War over Cuba atrocities.
  7. 12. Congressional Medal of Honor winner from WWI.
  8. 13. Build up of military technologies, such as tanks, airplanes, etc.
  9. 14. France, Great Britain & Russia made up the Triple Entente.
  10. 15. The Selective Service Act instituted a _____ that required all men of a certain age to enlist for the war.
  11. 16. Pride in your country at the expense of other countries.