Unit 4 Outcome 2 HHD

  1. 5. Actions taken to control and eridicate the carriers of disease and infection
  2. 6. Involves lending small amounts of money with low interest rates so people can purchase the resources required to start their business
  3. 9. When all people can obtain nutrionally adequate, culturally appropriate, safe food regularly through non-emergency sources
  4. 10. AIDs is caused by ______
  5. 13. The department responsible for Australias aid program; an acronym
  6. 15. A cause of maternal mortality (excessive bleeding)
  7. 18. A partnership Aus aid partners with to help achieve aid. eg Westpac
  8. 19. The SDGs have 3 major objectives:end extreme poverty, address climate change, and fight inequality and ....
  9. 21. Is a disease caused by inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection. There are five types of this condition.
  10. 22. Another name for humanitarian aid
  11. 23. A life threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people when bitten by infected female mosquitoes.
  1. 1. SDG 3 is good health and ________
  2. 2. The acronym for non-profit organisations that work to promote health, wellbeing and human development while operating seperately from the government
  3. 3. A diverse group of 18 diseases that mainly occur in tropical and subtropical environments.
  4. 4. Healthcare provided to women during pregnancy and just after birth
  5. 7. Rapid assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress to relieve suffering during and after emergencies such as wars, and natural disasters such as floods
  6. 8. This Aus Aid priority relates to ensuring a peaceful, prosperous, and resilient _______ region
  7. 11. A disease that affects the lungs and a focus of SDG 3
  8. 12. The deterioration of the environment through the depletion of resources, such as clean air, water and soil
  9. 14. Aid given from the government of one country to the government of another country
  10. 16. Aid provided through an international organisation such as the World Bank, United Nations or The WHO. This aid combines donations from several countries
  11. 17. This Aus Aid priority works to promote prosperity, peace, and stability in ____________
  12. 20. A bacteria infection of the eye that can cause complications including blindness