Unit 4 - Plate Tectonics Crossword

  1. 6. Type of plate boundary where subduction occurs because two plates are moving together.
  2. 7. The remains of plant or animals preserved in Rock
  3. 9. Plate that is mostly covered by water and is currently being subducted under the Eurasian plate
  4. 11. Type of boundary where two plates slide past each other in opposite directions.
  5. 13. Southern most plate on the globe.
  6. 14. Ridge that runs from Iceland and greenland through the atlantic ocean almost all the way to antartica. It is a divergent boundary that caused an underwater mountain range.
  7. 16. The shaking of the ground caused most often by movement of tectonic plates.
  8. 18. Name of the plate that includes Europe and Asia
  9. 19. Scientist who first discovered the Pacific Mountain range off the west coast of South America. The discovery eventually lead to the theory of plate tectonics.
  10. 20. Valley A low spot caused by divergent boundaries. Sometimes widening far enough to become an ocean.
  11. 23. Type of fault normaly found at a transform boundary.
  1. 1. Process by which one tectonic plate slides under another, creating deep ocean trenches, volcanic mountains, and earthquakes.
  2. 2. Arch Line of volcanic islands that parallels a deep ocean trench at an Oceanic-Oceanic subduction zone.
  3. 3. The name of the plate to the west of South America
  4. 4. Name for the ancient supercontinent that was formed when the continents were once together.
  5. 5. Type of plate boundary where two plates are moving apart.
  6. 8. Mountain range formed where the Indo-Australian plate is converging with the Eurasian plate.
  7. 10. Tectonics The theory that the Earth's crust is broken into separate sections plates that ride on top of the aesthenosphere and carry the continents with them as they are driven by convection currents.
  8. 12. Largest Rift Valley on the planet.
  9. 15. Process that causes currents in the mantle of the Earth that drives the tectonic plates
  10. 17. Large wave created by earthquakes at subduction zones.
  11. 21. The geologic formation that caused the Hawaiian islands to form and geysers to erupt.
  12. 22. Scientist who first hypothesized that they continents were once together and formed on giant landmass.