Unit 4 Review

  1. 2. A broad area of relatively flat land
  2. 5. A group of people who share a unique culture and identity
  3. 8. A political unit that controls a particular territory
  4. 10. _____ cooperation;A form of international cooperation in which countries give up some control of their affairs as they work together to achieve shared goals
  5. 11. A group of countries that acts as a single market, without trade barriers between member countries
  6. 13. The unit of currency used in many countries of the European Union
  7. 15. _____ Union;A supranational organization through which number of European countries work together on shared issues
  1. 1. A large group of people who share a common history and culture
  2. 3. Feelings of loyalty and pride towards one’s nation or ethnic group
  3. 4. An independent state, or country, who people mostly share a common identity
  4. 6. A crop that is grown to be sold rather than to be consumed by the farmers and their families
  5. 7. life ____; The average age to which a person in a given population can expect to live
  6. 9. A state that no longer exists or one in which the government is so weak that it has little control over its territory
  7. 12. A tax on goods that cross country borders
  8. 14. The bills and coins used as money in a particular country or group of countries