Unit 4 Review Game
- 4. One who proclaims the evangellion or gospel
- 5. a synonym for covenant
- 7. the study of ancestry or chronological list of ancestors
- 9. the portion of mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
- 10. Which were the first written Christian works?
- 14. Testament the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic ers
- 16. a letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the church as a whole
- 18. What does canon literally mean?
- 21. Because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
- 24. What was the first English translation of the Bible?
- 25. the list of the inspired books of the Bible
- 1. from the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome's translation of the bible from the original languages into Latin
- 2. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of Gods revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
- 3. from the Greek fro five books; the Torah
- 6. the portion of mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine
- 8. What is the King James Version?
- 11. the five books of Moses
- 12. Papyrus On what materials were the books of the Old Testament originally written?
- 13. a version of the Septuagint produced by the Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
- 15. What literary form is Revelation?
- 17. those books of the bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
- 19. Who wrote most of the Epistles?
- 20. Who speaks throughout the Bible?
- 22. How many books are in the Old Testament?
- 23. text What text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit?