Unit 4 vocab

  1. 3. The _______ blocked all the fans from the famous singer.
  2. 5. The criminal ________ from the crime scene before they were caught.
  3. 8. My father was _______ about the security system since we had a dog.
  4. 11. In the beginning of BMB jama is a ________.
  5. 14. After having his toys stolen the kid was _________ towards his classmates.
  6. 15. The fire was ________ throughout the cabin by the fireplace.
  7. 17. The ________ of trees made the tree reach the atmosphere.
  8. 18. The _______ was used to keep the floors polished.
  9. 19. The ________ ore filled the caves and made it deadly if too much was inhaled.
  1. 1. The realtor ________ $1,000 for the house since it was haunted.
  2. 2. Not even the famous Sherlock Holmes could catch the _______ criminal.
  3. 4. For parties my mom puts on _____ to look nice.
  4. 6. During war leaders need _______ to insure victory.
  5. 7. The kids _______ the piƱata for all the candy.
  6. 9. Hikers urged their kids to keep away from the ______.
  7. 10. The bank robbers were _________ when the cops surrounded the place in the matter of minutes.
  8. 12. Rated R movies are ______ for kids under 13.
  9. 13. The ______ creek was home to hundreds of mosquitos.
  10. 16. Mothers are claimed to be _______ of their families.