Unit 4 Vocabulary

  1. 4. procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote
  2. 5. bills that determine where money is spent
  3. 7. a group of people appointed for a specific function
  4. 8. formally accuse an official of wrongdoing
  5. 10. powers kept by the states
  6. 11. media designed to influence people's thoughts and behaviors
  7. 12. powers given to Congress through the Consitution
  8. 13. a prolonged speech intended to delay the vote of a bill
  9. 14. committee that meets regularly
  1. 1. powers not mentioned in Constitution but assumed
  2. 2. people who have served the longest get preference
  3. 3. committee with both representatives and senators
  4. 6. the branch that makes laws
  5. 7. legislative branch of the federal government
  6. 9. powers shared between national and state governments